Our Terms and Conditions of Appointment apply to all mystery shopping assignments which you undertake on behalf of The Grass Roots Group UK Limited (referred to as “we” and “us” below). Please read through them carefully before accepting them. The terms and conditions may be revised by us from time to time at our discretion.
- All work that you undertake for us is strictly confidential and you agree that, under no circumstances, will you reveal yourself as a mystery shopper or disclose any information relating to your assignments to a third party.
- You must not accept the assignment if you or any of your family or associates work for or have worked for, or are known to the organisation that we have asked you to mystery shop.
- You agree that you will carry out each assignment strictly in accordance with the terms of the briefing that we supply to you and within the dates and times specified. If you require clarification of any of the details, please contact us.
- You will perform your obligations with reasonable care and skill and to the best of your ability and will not do anything to damage our business reputation and interests.
- You agree to complete all questionnaires fully, accurately and honestly.
- You agree to key results of assignments online and within 24 hours of the assignment taking place. We reserve the right to withhold payments for results returned outside these timescales.
- If we have reasonable cause to believe that you have not fully abided by all of these Terms & Conditions, including failure to return results of assignments within the specified timescales, failure to conduct the assignment as briefed, or any questionnaire completed by you contains misleading or false information, we reserve the right to withhold payment for the assignment and remove you from our mystery shopping panel immediately.
- We will pay you a fixed fee for each assignment that you complete in accordance with the briefing instructions. You will be notified of the fee prior to commencing the assignment and at the same time we will agree the amount of any additional expenses that you may incur in carrying out the assignment (for example the purchasing of goods). The fixed fee together with any agreed additional expenses will be paid directly to your bank/building society account. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in us withholding payment for work completed.
- These terms and conditions do not form a contract of employment between you and us. You will be acting as a consultant in respect of the assignments that you undertake for us and we will not deduct PAYE or National Insurance from the fees that we pay you. You are entirely responsible for declaring your earnings to the Inland Revenue. For your information, if so requested by the Inland Revenue, we are required to supply details of all sums paid to you during the relevant tax year.
- We cannot guarantee the number of assignments which may be offered to you whilst you are registered as a mystery shopping panellist.
- Privacy Policy. When you apply to become a mystery shopping panellist we will require you to complete a Panellist Application Form. We need this information in order to select appropriate panellists to carry out assignments. Any personal data that we collect will be stored on computers or otherwise and we are committed to protecting the security and privacy of that data. We may disclose your information to our professional advisers for the purpose of obtaining professional advice or if we have a legal obligation to do so. You have the right to see personal data that we keep about you and this will be supplied to you on receipt of a written request and payment of a fee.
- Termination by you: If you no longer wish to be a panellist, please contact us and request that no further assignments are offered to you.
Termination by us: If we have reasonable cause to believe that you are failing to abide by these Terms and Conditions, we reserve the right to remove your details from our mystery shopping panel and no further assignments will be offered to you.
- This agreement is personal to you and under no circumstances can you request another person to carry out an assignment on your behalf.