Please note, if this is your first visit to this website and you don't have your new password, or you are returning to the site and have been prompted to do so, just request a password reset below to receive an email containing a reset link.
Passwords are case sensitive
Enter the email you have registered with us and click submit. If we have you on our records, we'll send you a password reset link.
Please be aware that our website will be unavailable from 10am on Monday 10th March, for up to 8 hours. If you do need to contact us during this time, you can email us at
From 21st November 2022, we have re-branded from Grass Roots UK Ltd / Hawk Incentives Ltd, to Blackhawk Network EMEA Limited.
Over time, our new company branding will appear on this site but for the time being the only change you will see is that payments processed into your bank account will now come from Blackhawk Network EMEA Limited.
The way we communicate with you will not change for the foreseeable future.
Your password has expired...
Enter your new password in the boxes below, then click OK.